How cybersecurity consultants help you avoid data breaches

From social security numbers to phone numbers, credit card numbers, and other information, society is continuously generating data. In response to this, the cyber threat landscape has also grown larger, with cybercriminals discovering new ways of exploiting system vulnerabilities.

While there is no solution that will make your business immune to a cybersecurity breach, there are various measures you can use to reduce the chances of one happening. Cybersecurity consultants—IT specialists with second-to-none expertise in cyber safety—have the skills and knowledge to help organizations in this endeavor. 

Preventative security consulting

Cyberattacks can occur at any moment, making their unpredictability a stone in the shoes of all companies. Reportedly, the average cost of a successful data breach is $4.4 million. In other words, without the right solutions safeguarding your business at the time of a breach, you may suffer significant financial and reputational losses.

Digital security consultants stay abreast of the latest innovations in the information security space. Combining this knowledge with a thorough analysis of your organization, its industry, your team, and devices, consultants can advise you on the solutions that will help you monitor your network and respond to suspicious activity in real time.  

Cybersecurity consultants will often seek to protect your company with preventative measures, helping you and your team avoid the dangers of the cyber threat landscape as much as possible.  

Risk assessments

The chances of your organization experiencing security incidents increase if you do not have a thorough understanding of the status of your IT systems and overall cybersecurity framework. Risk assessments and audits are comprehensive examinations of a company’s security posture and can identify areas where improvements are needed.

Digital security professionals are skilled in this area, giving them the expertise and experience to efficiently analyze any network. As an example, consultants can find issues with policies, assess whether an organization has configured its firewalls correctly, review the access privileges of user accounts, and so on. 

They can then compare this data to the latest threat actors and other security risks to gain a deeper understanding of how vulnerable your IT infrastructure is, before sourcing and implementing new security measures and upgrades to improve your defenses.

Cybersecurity awareness training 

A cybersecurity breach is commonly thought of as an external source penetrating networks. While this is certainly true, security risks can occur from within your organization. Human error is credited with causing 95% of breaches, making your company’s knowledge of cybersecurity even more vital for protecting customers’ personal information.

Common examples of human error include:

Cybersecurity consultants can advise organizations on cybersecurity awareness training—a hands-on workshop that educates you and your team on the importance of digital safety and its relevancy in your business. Security training provides your staff with the opportunity to learn about the cyber threat landscape and the strategies that can be used to mitigate risks. 

As such, consultants may help you implement a training curriculum based on the latest threat news and may even conduct the training themselves for a more personable experience. 

Customizable security strategies

An in-depth cybersecurity strategy is not reserved for companies with millions of customers spread across the world. It is an expectation that people carry for all businesses, from local startups to large-scale institutions. An IT security strategy is a well-crafted plan that outlines how a company’s cybersecurity measures will play out and secure its data.

Typically, a cybersecurity strategy includes:

Security consultants can help your business develop solid, realistic security strategies that are relevant to the needs of you and your employees. Consultants can help you implement your plans effectively while providing ongoing advisory services to ensure that your strategy does not become irrelevant prematurely.

When it comes time to update the plan—which should occur often—consultants can bring with them up-to-date information and help you revise your strategy accordingly.

How to choose the right digital security consultant

An organization’s IT infrastructure is paramount for business success. The data that you store within it must be secure and compliant with any industry regulations that your company follows. 

Due to this fact, the consultant that you hire must demonstrate the following traits: 

Protect your business from the cyber threat landscape with expert security consultants

You and your team members strive to keep your personal data secure; your customers expect the same treatment when they entrust their information to your business. Security threats are constantly evolving with the latest technologies, and companies are required to deploy the best security solutions to help them avoid encountering risks.

The cybersecurity consulting services at IT Gurus is a versatile, cost-effective solution for businesses that are struggling with sourcing and implementing the right cybersecurity tools. 

Reach out to IT Gurus’ digital security consultants today for expert advice on how to best protect your organization from a cybersecurity breach, solutions that are tailored to your requirements, and security strategies that can help keep your networks operational and secure for the modern cyber threat landscape. 

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